路由# 321076470


Learn how to get started with the Patelco 手机应用程序 and get answers to common questions about it.

管理你的Patelco账户 忙碌中

With our top-rated 手机应用程序, you can easily manage your Patelco account 忙碌中.


设备支持 & 需求


  • 有Patelco账户吗
  • 通过我们的桌面网站或移动应用程序注册网上银行
  • 最近有苹果或安卓设备吗
  • Have at least 100MB of free space (we recommended 500MB or more) on your device
  • Access an active and reliable internet connection via cellular connection or Wi-Fi



  • 具有生物识别功能的设备,可使用面部识别/触摸识别
  • Camera to use Anywhere Deposit (Anywhere Deposit requires an eligible account)


点击查看 是否支持您的设备或浏览器. 如果您使用的是不受支持的设备, 您可能无法下载或使用我们的移动应用程序, 但你仍然可以通过移动端访问大多数移动应用功能.patelco.Org在您设备的浏览器上.

更新 & 安装常见问题

  • If an update for the Patelco 手机应用程序 is available in your device's official app store and your app won't update, 您可能需要先卸载移动应用程序,然后再重新安装. Certain features may need to be enabled again after reinstalling the 手机应用程序.

    您的设备可能达不到最低要求. Make sure that your device is running a recent iOS or Android operating system. 不支持黑莓、Windows phone和其他操作系统. 对于这些设备,请使用我们基于网络的移动银行网站 移动.cc-fc.com.
    确保您的设备上至少有100MB的可用空间. 我们建议至少有500MB.
    The Patelco 手机应用程序 should be installed only from your device's official app store. Third-party app stores may not work for installation and, moreover, are unsafe.

生物识别登入(Face ID或Touch ID)

Biometric authentication (Face ID or Touch ID) allows you to securely log in to our 手机应用程序 using your device's biometric capabilities instead of your online banking 用户ID and 密码. 大多数会员更喜欢使用生物识别登录,因为它更快.

设置生物识别登入(Face ID或Touch ID)

第一次登录后, 系统将提示您启用生物识别身份验证或密码.


  • The login screen will display the option for Face ID or Touch ID (based on what your iOS device supports)
  • If your device doesn't support biometric login, you'll be prompted to create a passcode. This is faster than using your 用户ID and 密码 every time you want to log in to the app.


  • 登录屏幕将显示一个使用指纹登录的选项
  • Most Android devices also give you the option to set up a PIN to log in to the app

注意:如果你点击“现在不”或类似的选项, 您将取消生物识别(或密码或PIN)登录设置. You can always enable one of these options later by accessing the settings in our 手机应用程序.

如果您启用生物识别登录,您将看到一个确认屏幕. This will let you know that our app will prompt you to log in with your chosen method the next time you open the app.

  • 在iOS设备上,这个屏幕会在几秒钟后自动消失
  • 在安卓设备上,你必须轻按以取消提示

Android PIN码注册

第一次登录后, Android devices that don't support biometric login will prompt you to set up PIN login. If you opt to skip setting up PIN login by selecting "Not Now" (or a similar option), 此注册屏幕将不会再次显示. If you want to turn on PIN login at a later time, you can do so using the app's settings.




忘记了用户ID或密码? 观看我们的视频一步一步的教程或点击下面的链接.

如果您仍然无法访问您的帐户,请与我们联系 800.358.8228.

    If you're having trouble logging into Patelco Online because you can't remember your 用户ID or password, 你来对地方了. 在本教程中, we'll go over how you can quickly retrieve your 用户ID or reset your password within minutes.
    If you haven't used online banking in a while and can't remember your 用户ID, 我们可以帮你找回来. 首先,你会想去参观帕特尔科.org主页,在登录屏幕下面选择“忘记用户ID”. 下一个, we'll need to verify your identity by requesting some personal information through our secure site. You'll need to enter your member number, 社会安全号码, 出生日期和邮政编码. This should match the same information as the primary holder on your account. 输入信息后,选择continue. Your 用户ID will appear on the next screen and now you can log in to Patelco Online.
    让我们来看看如何快速重置密码. 在同一个登录屏幕上, 选择“忘记密码”,输入您的用户ID, 社会安全号码, 出生日期和邮政编码, 然后选择继续." 下一个, you'll be asked if you'd like to receive your temporary password via email or text. 选择您喜欢的交付方式,然后选择“继续”." Once you receive your temporary password, enter your 用户ID and select the "Log In" button. 输入您通过电子邮件或短信收到的临时密码. 现在,您将被要求创建一个新密码. 选择密码后, you may want to write down both your 用户ID and password and store it in a place for safekeeping.
    If you're still having trouble logging into your Patelco Online account, give us a call. We're happy to help and want to make sure you have access to all of the great features available within Patelco Online.


    以保护您的帐户安全, our system will automatically lock out an account after five (5) failed login attempts. A failed attempt occurs when an incorrect 用户ID and password combination is submitted.
    如果您的帐户被锁定,请致电我们寻求帮助 800.358.8228.


    • 您的用户ID和密码区分大小写. 确保你输入的大小写正确.
    • 确保你的设备没有添加不必要的大写字母, 比如自动将不应该大写的字母大写. 有些设备可能会尝试自动将某些单词大写, 或将用户ID或密码的首字母大写.
    • 如果您的用户ID或密码中有任何特殊字符, 确保你的设备没有在它们后面添加空格. 例如,“example”.“我”可能会自动更正为“示例”. Me" -注意句号后面的空格.
    • 确保你有很强的Wi-Fi或无线信号. 较差的信号可能会阻止登录并导致较差的应用性能.

    你也可以打电话给我们 800.358.8228.
    我们的营业时间是工作日早上7:30 -晚上7点,周六早上9:00 -下午2点.

